Storyboards, drawings, sketches and concept illustrations accumulated in the drawers
Storyboard extracted from an experiment to project film on a virtual screen. - scenography - virtual screen - dé à sept faces - Fernão Lopez
Super rough preparatory Sketches. The final Illustrations for this animatic can be seen here.
Free style sketch drawn with calligraphic nib pen, extracted from a tiny Sketchbooks.
“My Sketchbook” The Creed of a Sketcher This is my sketchbook. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My sketchbook is my best friend. It is my...
From the battlefield of Aljubarrota, visited years after it took place by the narrator, Fernão Lopes, royal chronicler, and his page, to the deathbed of Ferdinand I of Portugal in...
© Film Storyboards Project maintained by YJPL