Storyboards, drawings, sketches and concept illustrations accumulated in the drawers
Mood board for a pitch. Edit: That pitch was finally won Director: Ben Lacour Production: Latcho Drom Agency: Air Prospective Client: Radio Contact
Radio Contact “Feel Good Machine” Director Cut We did quite a few Sketches and drawings for that video, along with mood boards.
My former neighbour, chi Loan, Cà phê sữa đá expert, sketched for a Saatchi & Saatchi (Quảng cáo) Vietnam creative board.
Daily Script - Movie Scripts and Movie ScreenplaysThe Daily Script - a collection of movie scripts & screenplays.
Fernão Lopez, character study for the battle of Aljubarrota reconstitution film.
Title design sketch. Version 03, draft 01. Drawn for a documentary by Sonoya Yamamoto.
© Film Storyboards Project maintained by YJPL