Storyboards, drawings, sketches and concept illustrations accumulated in the drawers
Portuguese Interregnum illustrated in animatic (cont’d). After the death of Ferdiand I of Portugal, no monarch rule the country Count Andeiro has been murdered. Queen Leonor Telles de Meneses is...
Throne concept design set drawn for the first version of the Aljubarrota Battle Storyboards. An abstract throne chamber as an allegory for the empty throne of Portugal during the 1383–1385...
Frames extracted from animatic Storyboards series done for Aljubarrota Battle Interpretation Centre audio-guides.
Animatic Storyboards to illustrate uprising in Portugal during the 1383-1385 Crisis.
14th Century Castilian knight, layer for praxinoscope project - suit of armour study.
Animation test for the Battle of Atoleiros Interpretation Centre project.
Rough Storyboards for an animatic. Project by Maverick ICS for the Battle of Atoleiros Interpretation Centre.
Rough Storyboards for animatic. Project by Maverick ICS for the Battle of Atoleiros Interpretation Centre.
© Film Storyboards Project maintained by YJPL