Storyboards, drawings, sketches and concept illustrations accumulated in the drawers
Animatic for the Aljubarrota Battle Interpretation Centre (CIBA) in Portugal.
Animatic storyboard. Virtual chessboard chamber to depict Portuguese Interregnum. - King D. Fernando I the Handsome - Queen D. Leonor the Treacherous - Don Juan Castela - House of Aviz...
Storyboard, first draft - Marriage of King D. Fernando I the Handsome with Queen D. Leonor Telles de Menezes the Treacherous.
Rough Storyboards for an animatic - virtual chessboard used as a metaphor for the Portuguese Interregnum
Medieval people uprising after the death of Fernando I of Portugal.
Death of Ferdinand I of Portugal. Animatic Storyboards, procession with Franciscan monks; 1st rough, 2nd rough and final drawing
Death of Ferdinand I of Portugal. Rough Storyboards VS animatic drawing of the same shot. - death - monks - procession - Illustration - black and white drawing - Ferdinand...
Pen and ink Illustration for an exhibition praxinoscope
Lisbon Cathedral - animatic rough sketch - Lisbon cathedral - preparatory sketch - black and white drawing - Se Lisboa - backdrop
animatic Storyboards - Se Lisboa - Lisbon Cathedral - Royal Wedding - Portugal history - medieval city - set design - historical reconstitution
© Film Storyboards Project maintained by YJPL