Drawers Surplus

Storyboards, drawings, sketches and concept illustrations accumulated in the drawers


Jul 20, 2015

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Klare lijn illustratie

Jul 19, 2015

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Klare Lijn ad

Jul 18, 2015

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Visualising for a campaign logo collaboration

Jul 17, 2015

(c) LUONVisualising for a campaign logo. Collaboration with LUON.

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The Bat Alarm

Jul 16, 2015

TOYOTA ECB sponsorship Storyboards. Title: The Bat Alarm Film Director: Bugsy Riverbank Steel Production: Good Egg

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no title

Jul 15, 2015

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no title

Jul 14, 2015

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brush Sketches

Jul 13, 2015

Brush Sketches.

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rough sketch

Jul 12, 2015

Rough sketch explaining EU Trade Policy in animated drawings.

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no title

Jul 11, 2015

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no title

Jul 10, 2015

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no title

Jul 9, 2015

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© Film Storyboards Project maintained by YJPL