InDesign Advertising Storyboard template 1.85: 1 Avenir Book 10pt on A4 vertical
Storyboard template for Adobe InDesign (InDesign Markup IDML format). This 16 pages Storyboards template is set on Din A4 vertical (portrait) sheets, ready to use for print or screen presentations. This template lets you write your treatment notes alongside your pictures; simply edit the Text and Images layers in InDesign. Fill in the title page, add your credit and client details, replace the logo with your own. The text is set in Avenir Book 10pt with 12 points leading. For images, just drop your pictures in the Images layer. You can show or hide the rule of thirds layer guides in locked layers to help you frame your compositions.
To edit the footer, use the A-Master. Please note that if not installed on your machine you’ll need Avenir font licence to use this template.
The subdivision number for the document grid is quite high. For clarity you can always hide the baseline grid and/or the document grid. (View > Grids & Guides > Hide Baseline Grid & Hide Baseline Grid)