When it comes to layout, Adobe InDesign is great but when it comes to speed Apple Keynote is even faster. And you have to admit that once used to it, Keynote is a very convenient app to put layouts together quickly.
This is an Apple Keynote theme for film Storyboards, for the widely used 1.85:1 aspect ratio—a common US widescreen cinema standard— set on DIN A4 horizontal (landscape). What’s more, it’s built on top of an InDesign version so the layout is stronger than what you normally get with Keynote.
To create your Storyboards, first add a new slide (in the left area navigator), you can change your slide layout (Slide Layout > Change Master button) in the right navigation panel (View > Inspector > Format)
Then chose your layout in the left navigator. whether you use text or not, page, scenes and shot numbers. You can use the rule of thirds guides to help you reframe your shots (View > Guides & Hide > Guides). If you need consistent changes in the apparence of your layout, use the Edit Master Slide button in the right navigation panel.
There are also a number of arrows located in the last master slide; you can copy an arrow and paste it into your document to indicate camera move, movement within the shot and character’s eyes direction.
This template is in English, the body text is set in the classic screenplay form type, Courier 10 points. You’ll find different styles for your text in the Format panel.
If you use Keynote in your workflow, this theme will come in handy.
Get this widescreen Storyboards theme
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