Advertising film treatment template scope Apple Keynote

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This is a paginated Apple Keynote theme for film treatments and storyboards, in 2.39:1 (Scope) aspect ratio. This theme has 12 master slides ready for print or screen use. There is a title page, an intro page, three frames + text, six frames variations plus an icon master.

To create your storyboard, first, add a new slide—in the left area navigator (Add Slide).

You can change your slide layout (Format > Change Master button) in the right navigation panel (View > Inspector > Format).

Then chose your layout in the left navigator. Whether you use text or not, page, scenes and shot numbers. You can use the rule of thirds guides to help you reframe your shots (View > Guides & Hide Guides). To make consistent changes to your layout, use the Edit Master Slide button in the right navigation panel.

There are also arrows located in the last master slide. Copy and paste icons from the Master Slide into your document. Use them to show camera moves, movement within the shot and the character’s looks.

This template is in English, the body text is set in Avenir Light 10 points. You’ll find different styles for your text in the Format panel.

This theme makes it easy and fast to put your storyboards together in a clean presentation.

© Film Storyboards Project maintained by YJPL