Free anime storyboard template 2.39:1 (scope) on A4 Vertical

A preview of the storyboard template double-page (this is the second page)

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Here is a free anime storyboard template in PDF format on DIN A4 vertical (portrait) page, ready for print. This template comes in two pages with seven frames per sheet, each in scope (2.39.1 ) aspect ratio. The first page has a custom storyboard logo, the second lets you write your production details. This template’s layout draws inspiration from the exceptional Studio Ghibli storyboards.


  • The first column indicates cuts. Use it to number your shots—you can use several pictures per shot.
  • The second column stands for the picture screen, where you draw your pictures.
  • Then there is a space for your script notes for action, dialogue, etc.
  • The last column, time, is for annotating the duration of your shots in seconds.

You can print it out and start drawing on paper right away. That is the way to do it! But that’s not the only way: you can also import the template into Photoshop, set the template layer to multiply mode, and start drawing on a layer beneath it.

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