Atoleiros Battle
João I de Castela
Jun 13, 2018João I de Castela (Juan I de Castilla), top shot as a knight on his warhorse
Atoleiros Battle interpretation storyboard
Oct 19, 2014Storyboard for the Atoleiros battle interpretation centre, Fronteira, Portugal. More pre production drawings on this project.
here are the complete atoleiros battle
Oct 1, 2014Here are the complete Atoleiros Battle Interpretation Centre Storyboards, tagged for those interested in the history of Portugal — https://film-Storyboards.tumblr.com/tagged/Atoleiros+battle+Storyboards
Leonor Telles de Meneses King Ferdinand I
Aug 18, 2014Leonor Telles de Meneses & King Ferdinand I of Portugal
preparatory sketch for atoleiros battle animatics
Jan 31, 2014Preparatory sketch for Atoleiros battle animatics.
knight preparatory sketch
Jan 30, 2014Knight preparatory sketch for Atoleiros Battle animated Storyboards.
Rough storyboard
May 8, 2013Rough Storyboards. This is the last Atoleiros project scene, where the general Nuno Álvares Pereira leaves Lisbon with his troops.
Nuno Álvares Pereira
May 3, 2013Nuno Álvares Pereira leaves Lisbon with troops to raise an army to defend Portugal against Castile.
chessboard room set exit animatic continued
May 1, 2013Chessboard room set exit, animatic continued.
the king of castile leaving the chessboard set
Apr 29, 2013The King of Castile leaving the chessboard set.
king of castile leaves metaphorically lisbon
Apr 28, 2013King of Castile leaves (metaphorically) Lisbon.
portuguese interregnum illustrated in animatic
Apr 25, 2013Portuguese Interregnum illustrated in animatic (cont’d). After the death of Ferdiand I of Portugal, no monarch rule the country Count Andeiro has been murdered. Queen Leonor Telles de Meneses is...
Apr 18, 2013Animatic Storyboards to illustrate uprising in Portugal during the 1383-1385 Crisis.
14th century Castilian knight
Apr 16, 201314th Century Castilian knight, layer for praxinoscope project - suit of armour study.
Animation test
Apr 15, 2013Animation test for the Battle of Atoleiros Interpretation Centre project.
rough storyboards for an animatic
Apr 15, 2013Rough Storyboards for an animatic. Project by Maverick ICS for the Battle of Atoleiros Interpretation Centre.
rough storyboard
Apr 15, 2013Rough Storyboards for animatic. Project by Maverick ICS for the Battle of Atoleiros Interpretation Centre.
animatic storyboard draft John I of Castile
Apr 11, 2013Animatic Storyboards drafts. John I of Castile on horse, metaphorically facing the defensive walls of Lisbon.
John I of Castile
Apr 11, 2013A knighted John I of Castile approaches Lisbon, metaphorical Storyboards.
Portuguese troops
Apr 10, 2013Portuguese troops leaving besieged Lisbon lead by Nuno Álvares Pereira.
Court intrigue
Apr 9, 2013Court intrigue and power struggle for the throne of Portugal, illustrated in animatic.
Portuguese Interregnum
Apr 8, 2013Portuguese interregnum illustrated as a chess game situation in animatic. Ferdinand I of Portugal and Leonor Telles de Menezes shortly before the king died, starting the 1383–1385 dynastic crisis.
Court intrigues
Apr 7, 2013Queen D. Leonor Telles with Count Andeiro: animatic transition from live footage to drawings
Virtual chessboard
Apr 4, 2013Virtuimagesd animatic frame - second rough, often the best.The demise of queen Leonor.D. Juan, King of Castile leave Lisbon promising for vengeance.Animatic series of drawings done for a cross media...
Another animatic illustration
Mar 28, 2013Another animatic Illustration about the Marriage of King D. Fernando I the Handsome with Queen D. Leonor the Treacherous. - animatic Illustration - King D. Fernando I the Handsome -...
Planning overview
Mar 27, 2013Rough first pass storyboard, overview for the first graphic sequence of “Atoleiros”. More about this project here
Animatic storyboard virtual chessboard
Mar 25, 2013Animatic storyboard. Virtual chessboard chamber to depict Portuguese Interregnum. - King D. Fernando I the Handsome - Queen D. Leonor the Treacherous - Don Juan Castela - House of Aviz...
First draft, royal wedding
Mar 25, 2013Storyboard, first draft - Marriage of King D. Fernando I the Handsome with Queen D. Leonor Telles de Menezes the Treacherous.
Rough storyboard, virtual chessboard
Mar 24, 2013Rough Storyboards for an animatic - virtual chessboard used as a metaphor for the Portuguese Interregnum
Uprising after Fernando I died
Mar 24, 2013Medieval people uprising after the death of Fernando I of Portugal.
Ferdinand I of Portugal, animatic
Mar 23, 2013Death of Ferdinand I of Portugal. Animatic Storyboards, procession with Franciscan monks; 1st rough, 2nd rough and final drawing
Ferdinand I of Portugal death
Mar 22, 2013Death of Ferdinand I of Portugal. Rough Storyboards VS animatic drawing of the same shot. - death - monks - procession - Illustration - black and white drawing - Ferdinand...
Pen and ink illustration for an exhibition
Mar 22, 2013Pen and ink Illustration for an exhibition praxinoscope
Lisbon cathedral animatic rough sketch
Mar 21, 2013Lisbon Cathedral - animatic rough sketch - Lisbon cathedral - preparatory sketch - black and white drawing - Se Lisboa - backdrop
Animatic storyboard
Mar 19, 2013animatic Storyboards - Se Lisboa - Lisbon Cathedral - Royal Wedding - Portugal history - medieval city - set design - historical reconstitution
Se Lisboa
Mar 19, 2013Lisbon Cathedral Rough sketch, historical reconstitution, royal wedding, Se Lisboa Cathedral, medieval Lisbon.
Drawing table snapshot
Mar 17, 2013Drawing table snapshot. Nuno Álvares Pereira on his mule, surrounded by knights and army.
© Film Storyboards Project maintained by YJPL